Day Two: Vienna
Since we were so had it from the previous day, we all slept in. When I say SLEPT IN, it actually means around 8am we woke:) Nothing too great. - rolling eyes-
In the morning we ate a gorgeous continental buffet -pronounce the T- in the hotel, including nutella sandwiches and hot chocolate with milo cereal. Delish:) Best start of the day:)))
We then took some time to oganize our stuff neatly into the compartments in the rooms, before heading out to one of the many Christmas markets. And just as we were stepping out the door, we found that is was raining:( NICE. Great thing for tourists, all that sightseeing in the foggy, wet weather:)
Anywayz, we didnt let that put us off. The hotel attendent had been so nice, see, and had shown us exactly which stop we should get off at from the D tram. Right. Annndd, we got lost.. Well not technically, since we were spit up to begin:)
Just as we had arrived at the tram stop to begin our glorious feat, Harri realised that he was cold. So my mother and him went back to the hotel, and we said that we would meet them at the stop that the hotel attendent had told us to stop at. Bound for something to happen, right? New city, new sights. So, yes. Myself, pappa and dad got off where we were supposed to get off. My brother and my mother took the tram after the one that we took, and decided to get off at the first markets that they saw.
We were waiting for them for some time, and when I eventually rang Harri.. In the end, we did find them:0 On the bright side, the markets were really pretty. We had a great time. There was what we think is the House of Commons behind the markets. We found iin that building an indoor market. This market hall was some exibiton for children to create items such as candles and necklaces for Christmas presents. The place reminded Harri and I so much of Hogwarts, since we could glimpse a courtyard outside, and there was even a picture of a phoenix on the wall:)
After this visit, we all found that this was not a good idea, being out in the rain. We did stop at the market to get some drink which was like glogi, but we decided to head home after that to change. As we were walking toward the tram stop that would take us back to the hotel, a man stopped us. He started asking whether we wanted to buy some tickets for a concert in the Schonbrun Palace. He said that we coud get some amazing deals, and get free drinks! Mummu, knowing mummu, was very interested:))
Finally, we ended up on the tram with tickets to the concert tomorrow evening. Yay! So tomorrow we will be going to the Shonbrun Palace!!:)
In the afternoon we all went to the arts and cultural museum in the center of Vienna. It was not as totally extraordinary as the British Museum, and the artifacts were better there I think, but the building!! Simply bliss:)
We ended the day by going to another market area, buying sausages, and eating those looking under the archway to what we think may have been the entrance to some military building:))
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go” Joshua 1:9
December 24, 2012
December 23, 2012
Travel Diary: Vienna Trip
Day One, Berlin.
As I am writing this a day after my visit to Berlin, I may not remember everything as detailed as yesterday. The thing was, though, that we were all way too tired yesterday to write anything, besides a few postcards, since we were on two flights in the morning, and in the arvo, respectively. I will refer to yesterday as today, as it makes it easier to write:) So basically my whole family in Finland all are going on this trip. My mother, father and brother, grandmother, grandfather and myself.
This morning we woke up before dawn, at 4am. Not too good, since my sleeping habits have been badly as of late. A van picked us up at our apartment, and we arrived at the airport around 6am. Fortunately we had a teeny bit of time for brekky, since on the flight we were only given a muffin and some orange juice. So, we departed from Finland on our way to Berlin at around 7am, and arrived in Berlin at approx. 8am Berlin time. We lost an hour:)
The minute we touched down in Berlin; through the overhead speaker the flight attendent, or whoever, spoke some German and then what I thought was English. I think they said something like "Welcome to Berlin, the temperature is around -4 degrees, and the time here is 8:15". It was all combined together in a string of words that was virtually impossible to understand.So I am not certain what he actually did say, I asked later if anyone else did, and they didn't either ;p I found that quite funny:)
In Berlin, we were welcomed by some attendents handing out christmas chocolates, and were then plunged outside into the cold weather without a moments notice. There was no connecting platform to the airport. Everyone got out of the plane, and literally ran across to a bus which then transported us to the airport. The airport was really only a few metres away, but I guess it would have been hard to know where the airport wa concerning the aircraft, and with the weather as it was, the bus was probably a clever idea:) Although they could have warned us ;p
There was a bus that we heard some people talking about that takes you right into the city, and we decided to get a day ticket which would allow us to travel throughout Berlin all day till 4pm. But, my gosh, it is a different experience going on a bus there than anwhere else I have ever been. Somehow, everyone squashes tightly in together and manages to fit in the bus. It is quite funny:) We were watching some people trying impossibly to bring their luggage with them into an already full bus! Unmistakably, they did not fit :P
We then went to some Christmas markets that we found at one of the stops that we were told to get off at. Most of the stalls were full of lollies, and chocolates, and in the center we found a merry-round. Pappa wanted to get on, although we found that it was closed:(

The temperature was fresh, and so we had to all look for some nice place to go inside. So, we decided to walk to the Berlin Dome, which was not that far from the markets. This building is a huge dome, where you can find the most spectacular church, tomb stones, and panarama of Berlin city! Truly awesome!

To complete the gorgeous view that we saw at the top of the dome, it started snowing! That made everything so much prettier:) We walked around the streets, looking into various museums, and monuments that we saw aroound the place. It was quite cool, cause there was water in between and stuff. It reminded me abit of Venice, although I have never actually been there! We were getting a tad hungry y this time, and came across a place for lunch, which was actually a museum:)

We dropped in to have a bite, then followed on our self-made tour to see the rest of Berlin. Well, what we could see in the remaining 1 hour we had set ourselves:) The grandparents went back to the airport, while we went to the Berlin wall! Part of it, anyway:))))

Although we made it back to the airport in good time, and had time to eat something before the flight to Vienna, we still found ourselves with a mass of time to waste! We were all had it, so the time went terribly quickly. And we all slept like a log:)
Onto Vienna!!
As I am writing this a day after my visit to Berlin, I may not remember everything as detailed as yesterday. The thing was, though, that we were all way too tired yesterday to write anything, besides a few postcards, since we were on two flights in the morning, and in the arvo, respectively. I will refer to yesterday as today, as it makes it easier to write:) So basically my whole family in Finland all are going on this trip. My mother, father and brother, grandmother, grandfather and myself.
This morning we woke up before dawn, at 4am. Not too good, since my sleeping habits have been badly as of late. A van picked us up at our apartment, and we arrived at the airport around 6am. Fortunately we had a teeny bit of time for brekky, since on the flight we were only given a muffin and some orange juice. So, we departed from Finland on our way to Berlin at around 7am, and arrived in Berlin at approx. 8am Berlin time. We lost an hour:)
The minute we touched down in Berlin; through the overhead speaker the flight attendent, or whoever, spoke some German and then what I thought was English. I think they said something like "Welcome to Berlin, the temperature is around -4 degrees, and the time here is 8:15". It was all combined together in a string of words that was virtually impossible to understand.So I am not certain what he actually did say, I asked later if anyone else did, and they didn't either ;p I found that quite funny:)
In Berlin, we were welcomed by some attendents handing out christmas chocolates, and were then plunged outside into the cold weather without a moments notice. There was no connecting platform to the airport. Everyone got out of the plane, and literally ran across to a bus which then transported us to the airport. The airport was really only a few metres away, but I guess it would have been hard to know where the airport wa concerning the aircraft, and with the weather as it was, the bus was probably a clever idea:) Although they could have warned us ;p
There was a bus that we heard some people talking about that takes you right into the city, and we decided to get a day ticket which would allow us to travel throughout Berlin all day till 4pm. But, my gosh, it is a different experience going on a bus there than anwhere else I have ever been. Somehow, everyone squashes tightly in together and manages to fit in the bus. It is quite funny:) We were watching some people trying impossibly to bring their luggage with them into an already full bus! Unmistakably, they did not fit :P
We then went to some Christmas markets that we found at one of the stops that we were told to get off at. Most of the stalls were full of lollies, and chocolates, and in the center we found a merry-round. Pappa wanted to get on, although we found that it was closed:(
The temperature was fresh, and so we had to all look for some nice place to go inside. So, we decided to walk to the Berlin Dome, which was not that far from the markets. This building is a huge dome, where you can find the most spectacular church, tomb stones, and panarama of Berlin city! Truly awesome!
To complete the gorgeous view that we saw at the top of the dome, it started snowing! That made everything so much prettier:) We walked around the streets, looking into various museums, and monuments that we saw aroound the place. It was quite cool, cause there was water in between and stuff. It reminded me abit of Venice, although I have never actually been there! We were getting a tad hungry y this time, and came across a place for lunch, which was actually a museum:)
We dropped in to have a bite, then followed on our self-made tour to see the rest of Berlin. Well, what we could see in the remaining 1 hour we had set ourselves:) The grandparents went back to the airport, while we went to the Berlin wall! Part of it, anyway:))))
Although we made it back to the airport in good time, and had time to eat something before the flight to Vienna, we still found ourselves with a mass of time to waste! We were all had it, so the time went terribly quickly. And we all slept like a log:)
Onto Vienna!!
December 17, 2012
Pt. 2 Cooking Tips
Now we have all evolved into beginning chefs? No? Well..
You know how Julie Goodwin came out a such a great cook from Master Chef? Practice.
Practice makes perfect.
I know, we hear that everywhere. Blah blah blah you should be practicing all these concepts blah blah Practice Makes Perfect. Sound familiar? gosh, sounds like my bio teacher:)
My grandmother always has to have a variety of different colours on the plate. If not, then the dish is unservable:) So I tend to stick to that here. And anywayz, someone did say that you eat with your eyes...
It looks pwetty when it is colourful! Picture Perfect.
Updated saying: Practice makes Picture Perfect.

Tell me how your cookings going! I would love to know:)
Now we have all evolved into beginning chefs? No? Well..
You know how Julie Goodwin came out a such a great cook from Master Chef? Practice.
Practice makes perfect.
I know, we hear that everywhere. Blah blah blah you should be practicing all these concepts blah blah Practice Makes Perfect. Sound familiar? gosh, sounds like my bio teacher:)
My grandmother always has to have a variety of different colours on the plate. If not, then the dish is unservable:) So I tend to stick to that here. And anywayz, someone did say that you eat with your eyes...
It looks pwetty when it is colourful! Picture Perfect.
Updated saying: Practice makes Picture Perfect.
Tell me how your cookings going! I would love to know:)
December 15, 2012
Little unknown tips for the cooker of the family
It may not be a know fact, but every person has the ability to cook something truly extraordinary.
Where ever I go, there is always someone who says that there is no way that they can cook without the pan catching fire, or without burning a cake. No, no, no. See, Do you not remember that saying: Practice makes Perfect? This is how I know that everyone can cook. You keep making the mistake of burning the pan, because that is what you did before. Your mind is taking it seriously that you can't cook, because that is what you repeat time after time. Maybe, you dont't read the instructions? Or you find that you misread the time period for 30 mins, instead of 13. I know I have done that once. It is easy to do.
Maybe you just realised that your fav footy team just lost it's best player. Or found out that the artist that you are obsessed with started dating. From this short info, you want to google for the full details? So, whoops, the cake was meant to be out 15 mins ago . . . Not completely uncommon:)
My first tip: Imagine what you are going to be cooking. See it in your head, so that you know what you are aiming for. Hey, maybe it'll turn out better that you hoped for.
It may seem silly, but it works. Do not underestimate the power of the imagination? Twilight was completely made from Meyer's imagination. Really? No way -o-
Even so, it does help to imagine the meal you will be making tomorrow evening. Trust me, although practice will improve this techique. For example, hypothetically speaking, you see this extraordinary korma chicken in your head. You see all the spices that you want to taste in your dish. You know that the rice should be nice and fluff so that the sauce from the spices can be easily absorbed in the rice. Tell me you are not imagining this?
So when you start, you will will have a clear idea where you are heading! No burning the rice! Not walking aimlessly around looking for spices which are actually not needed in the dish.

Then you can start making different dishes. Imagine what vegetables will go with others. What consistency of liquids you are looking for. Do you want more / or less sauce? Would you like the chicken to be more soft? In that case, let the chicken simmer with the lid on for a few minutes. See how imagining the food you will be cooking will help?
No, you are not the creative type? Too bad. . Everyone is:)
My second tip: Know your spices. To dot his you will need to know everything in your cupboard. So when you need a little seasoning, you will exactly what you want! This knowledge will help you in imagining the dishes. Not only knowing the spices, but also the various vegetables, and other ingredients that you may use in your cooking.
Once you can tell that the dish needs maybe garlic salt, or thyme, then you have set sail in the right direction. And will you be thankful! Yes? No more recipes! Yipee:)
My third tip: Understand the meat. This kinda an important part in cooking :) Once you get this, your dishes are sure to be awesome! Even if the spices are not mixed correctly or some minor detail that Jamie Oliver would consider awful. Ask yourself: Should I use just oil to fry the beef on? Or just butter, or then both, butter and oil? Is it best to leave it for a few minutes? Research this for a bit, and write it down somewhere. If you are not sure what to use, I generally just fry the meat in both butter and oil.
Another thing that should be know is that using recipes is the best to start with, and then every now and then. This is how you learn new techniques in your cooking, and it allow your self to get even more creative!
See. Anyone basically with a fry pan, mince, and various array of additions can cook! Yay!!
Happy Cooking:)
Where ever I go, there is always someone who says that there is no way that they can cook without the pan catching fire, or without burning a cake. No, no, no. See, Do you not remember that saying: Practice makes Perfect? This is how I know that everyone can cook. You keep making the mistake of burning the pan, because that is what you did before. Your mind is taking it seriously that you can't cook, because that is what you repeat time after time. Maybe, you dont't read the instructions? Or you find that you misread the time period for 30 mins, instead of 13. I know I have done that once. It is easy to do.
Maybe you just realised that your fav footy team just lost it's best player. Or found out that the artist that you are obsessed with started dating. From this short info, you want to google for the full details? So, whoops, the cake was meant to be out 15 mins ago . . . Not completely uncommon:)
My first tip: Imagine what you are going to be cooking. See it in your head, so that you know what you are aiming for. Hey, maybe it'll turn out better that you hoped for.
It may seem silly, but it works. Do not underestimate the power of the imagination? Twilight was completely made from Meyer's imagination. Really? No way -o-
Even so, it does help to imagine the meal you will be making tomorrow evening. Trust me, although practice will improve this techique. For example, hypothetically speaking, you see this extraordinary korma chicken in your head. You see all the spices that you want to taste in your dish. You know that the rice should be nice and fluff so that the sauce from the spices can be easily absorbed in the rice. Tell me you are not imagining this?
So when you start, you will will have a clear idea where you are heading! No burning the rice! Not walking aimlessly around looking for spices which are actually not needed in the dish.
Then you can start making different dishes. Imagine what vegetables will go with others. What consistency of liquids you are looking for. Do you want more / or less sauce? Would you like the chicken to be more soft? In that case, let the chicken simmer with the lid on for a few minutes. See how imagining the food you will be cooking will help?
No, you are not the creative type? Too bad. . Everyone is:)
My second tip: Know your spices. To dot his you will need to know everything in your cupboard. So when you need a little seasoning, you will exactly what you want! This knowledge will help you in imagining the dishes. Not only knowing the spices, but also the various vegetables, and other ingredients that you may use in your cooking.
Once you can tell that the dish needs maybe garlic salt, or thyme, then you have set sail in the right direction. And will you be thankful! Yes? No more recipes! Yipee:)
My third tip: Understand the meat. This kinda an important part in cooking :) Once you get this, your dishes are sure to be awesome! Even if the spices are not mixed correctly or some minor detail that Jamie Oliver would consider awful. Ask yourself: Should I use just oil to fry the beef on? Or just butter, or then both, butter and oil? Is it best to leave it for a few minutes? Research this for a bit, and write it down somewhere. If you are not sure what to use, I generally just fry the meat in both butter and oil.
Another thing that should be know is that using recipes is the best to start with, and then every now and then. This is how you learn new techniques in your cooking, and it allow your self to get even more creative!
See. Anyone basically with a fry pan, mince, and various array of additions can cook! Yay!!
Happy Cooking:)
December 9, 2012
~ Monthly Update ~
Hey guys!
I know, it has been ages since my last post.. Shame on me :( Anywayz, just thought I'd catch you up on some things that have come up lately.
Last Thursday was Independence Day. Thank you for all those Finns who died in the pursuit of independence!
Exactly 205 years ago Finland was under the tsar of Russia, and exactly 105 years ago Finland proclaimed it's independence. Every year on the 6th of December it is a tradition to light two candles in the window to inform the young men moving toward Sweden or Germany that they are very much appreciated, as these young men were trained as jagers secretly against Russia in the war.
We started an old dance course in school this term, which will train us for the Dances next February. This is kinda like prom, although we dance, namesake, older dances. It is dancing from around about Pride and Prejudice age:)
Like all Finns, my family will be celebrating Little Christmas, or Pikku Joulu in Finnish. Funnily enough, the 6th of December is actually when Christmas is celebrated by those who go by the Julian calendar. Since we celebrate Independence Day here in Finland on that date, we have to celebrate "Little Christmas" at another stage. Merry Little Christmas!
I hope all you peeps are wondering what to get for your family for Christmas! I know I will be this week:)
Have an awesome week!
I know, it has been ages since my last post.. Shame on me :( Anywayz, just thought I'd catch you up on some things that have come up lately.
Last Thursday was Independence Day. Thank you for all those Finns who died in the pursuit of independence!
Exactly 205 years ago Finland was under the tsar of Russia, and exactly 105 years ago Finland proclaimed it's independence. Every year on the 6th of December it is a tradition to light two candles in the window to inform the young men moving toward Sweden or Germany that they are very much appreciated, as these young men were trained as jagers secretly against Russia in the war.
We started an old dance course in school this term, which will train us for the Dances next February. This is kinda like prom, although we dance, namesake, older dances. It is dancing from around about Pride and Prejudice age:)
Like all Finns, my family will be celebrating Little Christmas, or Pikku Joulu in Finnish. Funnily enough, the 6th of December is actually when Christmas is celebrated by those who go by the Julian calendar. Since we celebrate Independence Day here in Finland on that date, we have to celebrate "Little Christmas" at another stage. Merry Little Christmas!
I hope all you peeps are wondering what to get for your family for Christmas! I know I will be this week:)
Have an awesome week!
August 19, 2012
~ Super humane endurance~
If you were indeed a being to whom running from France to Italy via Norway would be no problem, then please tell me your secret:) The fact that this is fictionally true, really excites me, although if this was actually possible it would be totally fabulous, a person can still dream about it. Have you ever had one of this nights when you remember scoring in quiditch, then the alarm wakes you? Nope? I haven't either, but I wish I had:D
Well, please vote:)
Well, please vote:)
July 31, 2012
~ Fish Swam ~
The fish swam out into the sea,
Because the whale thought that it was free.
How on earth the dolphin thought it could be,
That something so small could take to see.
Back to the tale, not the scenery,
The fish swam fast, to save it's own victory.
Little had the whale the knowledge,
This teeny fish which was not plain plankton,
But the next heir to the throne.
Recently my family bought a TV card which allows you to watch eight pre-paid channels, plus a surprise channel, per month for one year. We can change the channels every month, so we can change what we watch:D Not to be the author of TV destruction, but how do we know that what we watch is actually worthy of wasting at least 30 minutes of our time? Maybe so, for Downton Abbey and various others, but what about the Olympic games? Will you really look back and think, what a wonderful thing to spend my last few days of summer doing? If so, then don't bother reading this post.. Haha, you already have;)
Why is it so that silver is not good enough for Australia? I mean, yes. Gold would have been awesome. But is silver not enough? Silver would be fine for me:)
Olympic Games Facts
- London has held the Olympics three times already
- Britain's first Olympic champion was actually a minor Scottish Aristocrat born in India.
- The oldest woman to have ever competed in the Olympic Games was equestrian Hilda L. Johnstone who, at the age of 70, took part in the Dressage Event at the 1972 Munich Games.
- Roughly 3,600g of gold worth more than $193,250 will be used to plate the medals that will be awarded at the 2012 London Olympic Games.
- At the 1904 Paris Games the winners were awarded paintings instead of medals as the French believed that they would be more valuable.
- Dimitrios Loundras, a ten year old gymnast from Greece is often quoted as the youngest participant in the Olympic Games but there is a record that a hastily recruited seven year old French boy was part of the Dutch team that won the Coxed Rairs Rowing Race at the 1900 Games. Unfortunately, he became bored and wandered off before anyone recorded his name.
Thankyou to for the Olympic facts:)
- Some of the events that have been dropped from the Olympic Games over the years include the Tug-of-War, Pelote Bisque, Cricket, Polo and the shooting of live pigeons. Jamaica, a tropical island in the Caribbean, really did enter a bob-sledding (ice-sledding) team in the 1988 Calgary Winter Olympics. It was the inspiration for the hit comedy film 'Cool Runnings' starring John Candy as the coach. In reality, the team competed again in France and in Norway. They finally won a Gold medal at the 2000 World Push Championships held in Monaco.
Have an awesome week!!
July 8, 2012
~ Mary and Grace ~
Grace be with thee
As we soar the several seas.
Time stream occasion away,
Say how you may.
Take what is yours,
As we bring what is ours.
Leave what is mine,
Perceive how we decide.
This, as it rain.
That, be my day.
Bucket down on grace.
Awe for a wonder race.
Shovel up, damage done.
Sorry, I cannot stay.
This grace that has brought me here,
That rain fell on my mere chaise.
Hear me quick, flick.
Fender, tender.
Roll over mine.
Fast, blast.
Sparrow Jack.
Clever fellow to mine.
Warn you against,
Horror, aghast.
Please don't pretend to squire.
Cause if you do,
And jolly, you may.
You turn yourself away.
So listen here,
Quick, flick.
Pray no squire.
Tell Mary the atrocity, tell fire away.
By golly,
The Grace.
Has seen never better a day.
~ Pondering on fairyland ~
You ever get that moment when you can't help but ponder what could have happened in a certain situation? I get that a lot! Actually, I start a conversation with myself in front of the mirror after the shower:)) Imagine if you could have said something so amazing that everyone would have broken into a huge laughing mass, or made him fall into your hands like putty. It's at times like these that i wish I had Jane Austen with me to help me know exactly what to do and say. I've been reading these books about Jane Austen and a cousin that she might, or may not, have had. Really interesting! How I wish I was born in those days, and maybe that Jane was my cousin;)
At is time of year, well really at any time, the landscape in Finland is amazing! You realize how god created e v e r y thing, and how he is so amazing. Who else would have designed the whole world so perfectly?
Facts about grass:
There are over 10000 species of grass.
Grass producing industry is a million dollar business.
Alcohol drinks have grass contained in them.
Pandas, caterpillers, and deer eat grass.
Well, have an awesome week:)
Oh, and I hope you liked the poem..
At is time of year, well really at any time, the landscape in Finland is amazing! You realize how god created e v e r y thing, and how he is so amazing. Who else would have designed the whole world so perfectly?
Facts about grass:
There are over 10000 species of grass.
Grass producing industry is a million dollar business.
Alcohol drinks have grass contained in them.
Pandas, caterpillers, and deer eat grass.
Well, have an awesome week:)
Oh, and I hope you liked the poem..
July 1, 2012
~ Life like lift ~
Life is like a ski lift,
Complete trust thrust upon the pull.
As you near the top,
Without risk, you prepare to stop.
Pressure adhered on the right,
Bringing lift to another.
As the shoe sifts thought the snow,
Getting ready for the huge blow.
Once you finally reach the peak,
No other option awaits.
Hoist yourself front the top.
Practically a free drop.
Wind picks up speed,
Blinding ear to eye.
Don't forget, bend your knees
No time to pay the fees.
Crunch, crumbles the snow.
Whoosh, whistles the wind.
The bank comes closer and closer,
Quick, weave around the tree.
Plow the snow now, real fast.
I really don't think you wish to crash!
Complete trust thrust upon the pull.
As you near the top,
Without risk, you prepare to stop.
Pressure adhered on the right,
Bringing lift to another.
As the shoe sifts thought the snow,
Getting ready for the huge blow.
Once you finally reach the peak,
No other option awaits.
Hoist yourself front the top.
Practically a free drop.
Wind picks up speed,
Blinding ear to eye.
Don't forget, bend your knees
No time to pay the fees.
Crunch, crumbles the snow.
Whoosh, whistles the wind.
The bank comes closer and closer,
Quick, weave around the tree.
Plow the snow now, real fast.
I really don't think you wish to crash!
June 26, 2012
~ Remembered Rain ~
~ a person has to deal with the rain, if a person would like to have a spectacular sight of a rainbow ~
Recently I have been watching this series, and it has lead me to realize that our acts determined exactly how we live our life. Forgive me in advance for saying this, but it is pride that gets in our way most of the days. It is true. A statement about this that I came across, through Facebook actually, is soo true, yet soo horrible. Cause you realize that pride actually has a hold of you, and you let it use you mostly just to show that you are right. Whether you are right or not. Seriously? Are we meant to be free, have our own say.
Anyway, at the moment I am actually typing this while the rain is pounding on the wrought iron roof. This summer is not sure if it remembers how it is meant to behave, yesterday it was a beautiful sun kissed day, afternoon, not so much. I guess this global warming is finally getting to Finland. Expecially the part where the weather is not warming up, hehe. Yep:)
Some facts about rain I googled:
The typical lifetime of a small cumulus cloud is between 10 to 15 minutes
No one ever sees the same rainbow
Rain drops can fall at speeds of about 22 miles an hour
The umbrella was originally invented to protect people from the sun
Haven an awesome week:)
Recently I have been watching this series, and it has lead me to realize that our acts determined exactly how we live our life. Forgive me in advance for saying this, but it is pride that gets in our way most of the days. It is true. A statement about this that I came across, through Facebook actually, is soo true, yet soo horrible. Cause you realize that pride actually has a hold of you, and you let it use you mostly just to show that you are right. Whether you are right or not. Seriously? Are we meant to be free, have our own say.
Anyway, at the moment I am actually typing this while the rain is pounding on the wrought iron roof. This summer is not sure if it remembers how it is meant to behave, yesterday it was a beautiful sun kissed day, afternoon, not so much. I guess this global warming is finally getting to Finland. Expecially the part where the weather is not warming up, hehe. Yep:)
Some facts about rain I googled:
The typical lifetime of a small cumulus cloud is between 10 to 15 minutes
No one ever sees the same rainbow
Rain drops can fall at speeds of about 22 miles an hour
The umbrella was originally invented to protect people from the sun
Haven an awesome week:)
June 18, 2012
~ Blue you ~
Hey guys! The topic today is clothes.. Are they really a piece of identification when your not sure who you are?
Clothing is something that defines every individual, whether you choose to follow the latest trends, or to parade down on your own unique avenue.. Clothes do leave an impression of you.. But that is not a reason to hide behind clothes. Few people find refuge in hiding behind the latest trend in fashion, when their personal life is in ruins. They rarely have a style, although they decide that to fake an identity is better than facing up to what they really are, and maybe even so that the clothing they would choose for themselves may not be IN.
I mean, c'mon. Who really cares if your clothes don't match perfectly? What about not being IN? No matter what you wear, people will see that you are showing your true colors! Try to leave an imprint on the world.. Wear something outrageous, just so you can say, this is me:)
You know.. The only way to improve in something is to push your limits. And the only way to push your limits is to know the line that you find hard to cross, your limits. So really, everything turns in a huge circle.. Once you know your limits, you are improving.. No point saying you cannot improve in something.. Really? It is not that hard..
The past few weeks for me have turned into a honey comb tasting, blue water chasing, sun relishing, clothes refreshing time! Truly time to shine! I don't know about others,but I have been soaking up the sun, reading time away, and cooking amazing things;P hehe..
Have an awesome week:)
Clothing is something that defines every individual, whether you choose to follow the latest trends, or to parade down on your own unique avenue.. Clothes do leave an impression of you.. But that is not a reason to hide behind clothes. Few people find refuge in hiding behind the latest trend in fashion, when their personal life is in ruins. They rarely have a style, although they decide that to fake an identity is better than facing up to what they really are, and maybe even so that the clothing they would choose for themselves may not be IN.
I mean, c'mon. Who really cares if your clothes don't match perfectly? What about not being IN? No matter what you wear, people will see that you are showing your true colors! Try to leave an imprint on the world.. Wear something outrageous, just so you can say, this is me:)
You know.. The only way to improve in something is to push your limits. And the only way to push your limits is to know the line that you find hard to cross, your limits. So really, everything turns in a huge circle.. Once you know your limits, you are improving.. No point saying you cannot improve in something.. Really? It is not that hard..
The past few weeks for me have turned into a honey comb tasting, blue water chasing, sun relishing, clothes refreshing time! Truly time to shine! I don't know about others,but I have been soaking up the sun, reading time away, and cooking amazing things;P hehe..
Have an awesome week:)
May 16, 2012
~ Forever me ~
It seems like its been a decade since a post was last posted in the Purple Orchid. School has made me extremely busy, and now I have just finished the year's actual work, since the exam week starts on Friday! Huge relief.. Many, I would believe, including myself, wondered how we would ever manage to stay focused on this program and continue the studies. WE MADE IT!! Haha:)
Just five hours ago The Hunger Games was showing at the theatres, and I saw it. It was really good, though I have to agree that the book is a whole lot more exciting. I won't spoil it for those who have not seen it, but you'll get the picture better if you at least read the beginning of the book.
I really like the quote they use at the close climax of the movie, ~ If I am going to die, I want to die my own way ~, I think it really depicts the amount of courage that he feels in an amazing way!
Anyways, peoples please vote, I will extend the voting period for some time so you have time to consider it:)
Have an awesome week!
Just five hours ago The Hunger Games was showing at the theatres, and I saw it. It was really good, though I have to agree that the book is a whole lot more exciting. I won't spoil it for those who have not seen it, but you'll get the picture better if you at least read the beginning of the book.
I really like the quote they use at the close climax of the movie, ~ If I am going to die, I want to die my own way ~, I think it really depicts the amount of courage that he feels in an amazing way!
Anyways, peoples please vote, I will extend the voting period for some time so you have time to consider it:)
Have an awesome week!
April 18, 2012
~ Someone else ~
Something unknown is kept so, even from the owner of the secret. .
My name is Amelia. I have a daughter. She gives me nightmares. Nearly, It's like life lives on throughout the night, although it is nothing compared to day.
My name is Katherine. My mistress is always distressed. I frequently hear her repeat the same words so frequently, it is almost as if she is in a daze.
My name is Isabella. I am to be queen. I walk through the gardens, and i get the most awful feeling that someone knows something that I have no comprehension of. It is most unagreeable, and I sometimes wish that I was in someone else's shoes.
It is the 16th century. sorcery is in the air. Peril awaits thy every move. Fire blazes where water falls.
That is where David comes in.
I hope you like this blurb, and if so please vote. I am dependent on it:)
Have an enjoyable week!
My name is Amelia. I have a daughter. She gives me nightmares. Nearly, It's like life lives on throughout the night, although it is nothing compared to day.
My name is Katherine. My mistress is always distressed. I frequently hear her repeat the same words so frequently, it is almost as if she is in a daze.
My name is Isabella. I am to be queen. I walk through the gardens, and i get the most awful feeling that someone knows something that I have no comprehension of. It is most unagreeable, and I sometimes wish that I was in someone else's shoes.
It is the 16th century. sorcery is in the air. Peril awaits thy every move. Fire blazes where water falls.
That is where David comes in.
I hope you like this blurb, and if so please vote. I am dependent on it:)
Have an enjoyable week!
April 9, 2012
~ Statuesque Statement ~
About a year ago I found out about this . . disease. If only I had not been born this way. If only I was someone else in some other time. If only I could make time fly. Maybe I could, time does seem to slow down in the most censorable way. If only I could. . Maybe I am useful after all. . I never thought about that. .
The above is a brief Snippet from a book that may be written by me or someone else, " Someone else". It is just in skeleton form now, so if you like please answer the poll. I would really like to write something, but it has to something that people like. Let's say if there are, maybe, 20 votes for this story, I will write it. Will give you a detailed blurb next post.
Today we are heading towards Helsinki from Lempaala. Beautiful weather. Apparently next week will be the beginning of the hot, well hotter, weather. The snow is pretty much completely gone now, although it is the city where people are walking all over the place. In the little towns there are not as many people, so that there is more snow on the ground. I learnt about it in Physics recently. Funny how things like that actually do hello you in life. Sometimes, that is.
There was a humdinger tree in the middle of the field, although it is ubiquitous. Vernal, it was. But I can wait, not that long now. We should boon about the weather, at least it is not too cold or slush. It will take a turn for the best anon. Eudemonia :)
Have fun with this last paragraph! If you can understand it without a dictionary, you are truly an English literature admirer !!
Have an awesome week :D
The above is a brief Snippet from a book that may be written by me or someone else, " Someone else". It is just in skeleton form now, so if you like please answer the poll. I would really like to write something, but it has to something that people like. Let's say if there are, maybe, 20 votes for this story, I will write it. Will give you a detailed blurb next post.
Today we are heading towards Helsinki from Lempaala. Beautiful weather. Apparently next week will be the beginning of the hot, well hotter, weather. The snow is pretty much completely gone now, although it is the city where people are walking all over the place. In the little towns there are not as many people, so that there is more snow on the ground. I learnt about it in Physics recently. Funny how things like that actually do hello you in life. Sometimes, that is.
There was a humdinger tree in the middle of the field, although it is ubiquitous. Vernal, it was. But I can wait, not that long now. We should boon about the weather, at least it is not too cold or slush. It will take a turn for the best anon. Eudemonia :)
Have fun with this last paragraph! If you can understand it without a dictionary, you are truly an English literature admirer !!
Have an awesome week :D
April 1, 2012
~ Marinate, Parinate ~
Hey awesome readers!
If you take the time to read this amazing blog, please answer the polls! I\'d really appreciate it.
A few days ago I creates this amazing chicken which had the most awesome flavour. It was really quite simple, and so I have decided to share it with you. All you need, depending on the about of mouths to feed, is four chicken breasts. Depending on the amount of flavour wanted, 2-3 limes, some saffron, and some almond chaffing.
So, the day before you wish to demolish this amazing recipe, you get out a bowl, preferably a glass bowl, but plastics alright, my mum didn\'t like it because we use it for baking stuff, but . . Anyways . .
Put the chicken out on a chopping board and poke holes all through it with whatever. Then put it in the bowl with the lime skin and juice. Turn the chicken over and over a couple of times, and add a teaspoon of saffron. Then place the bowl in the fridge. You can then turn the chicken over again every time you go past the fridge.
The next day brown the almonds in a pan. Then cook the chicken, add abut of honey to the marinade, add pour that over the chicken when nearly cooked. Wala, beautiful, flavoursome chicken:)
Have fun cooking peoples!
If you take the time to read this amazing blog, please answer the polls! I\'d really appreciate it.
A few days ago I creates this amazing chicken which had the most awesome flavour. It was really quite simple, and so I have decided to share it with you. All you need, depending on the about of mouths to feed, is four chicken breasts. Depending on the amount of flavour wanted, 2-3 limes, some saffron, and some almond chaffing.
So, the day before you wish to demolish this amazing recipe, you get out a bowl, preferably a glass bowl, but plastics alright, my mum didn\'t like it because we use it for baking stuff, but . . Anyways . .
Put the chicken out on a chopping board and poke holes all through it with whatever. Then put it in the bowl with the lime skin and juice. Turn the chicken over and over a couple of times, and add a teaspoon of saffron. Then place the bowl in the fridge. You can then turn the chicken over again every time you go past the fridge.
The next day brown the almonds in a pan. Then cook the chicken, add abut of honey to the marinade, add pour that over the chicken when nearly cooked. Wala, beautiful, flavoursome chicken:)
Have fun cooking peoples!
March 10, 2012
~ Epic Battle ~
" I may not know it, but these are the moments that I am going to remember most. "
Sometimes we have to remind ourselves that there is a meaning to life, and always will be. all we have to do is enravel bead by bead what each of our lives holds. It does take time, but will enhance our experiences in life and daily errands.
~ Acquired year ~ |
" And I have to be strong, just keep pushing on. "
There have been many incidents that throw me off, and create insignificant thoughts. Most recently I have been pondering whether schooling is something that is a complete neccessity. I mean, It is not exactly a fun way to spend three years of your life. .
~ Beauty stem ~ |
" There is always going to be another mountain. I am always going to want to make it move. "
Everyday obstacles get in my way, and so I try to weave my way around them, just so I don't have to face them anymore. The problem, is that they are always going to be there. I realize that now, and understand that I have to truly know in my heart that I want to move the obstacle out of the way. Some examples would include: fear, temptation, wrong choices, and peer's wrong choices etc.
Once you confront, say, fear, and truly understand that what you feel is fear, we have to face fear in the eyes and know in your heart that you want tp get rid of this fear. And it will then move out of our paths.
~ Art of preparing ~ |
" There is always going to be an epic battle, and somebody is going to have to lose. "
In many ways, we have to learn to let go. It is like a never ending debate with someone, and, to be completely honest with yourself, are getting nowhere. Let me tell you: let go, give in. The world is not perfect.
~ Innocence Refined ~ |
" It is not about how fast we get there. It is not about what is waiting on the other side. "
There are a million different ways in which we can takes sides in any given debate; to agree to taxes, to want more support from the government, the society needs more taxes, to disagree, and to want a complete cut in taxes. This could go on and on. . .
~ Panache Voyage ~ |
The main point here is that life will not always bring around new and exciting things when you expect it to. But, we only have to give it time, then we will see what is really in store fit us; we just have to know that these things don't happen instantly.
I would like to finish this post by saying, or repeating, that there are things out there ready to push us down at any given moment. It I'd up to every one of us how we are to interpret this, and how we are to stand back up again.
I pray this week that we will be given the strength to bring ourselves to new levels this week, and really see what is stopping you from becoming who you are meant to be.
~ The Climb ~ |
" It is the climb. "
Words sung be Miley Cyrus
February 25, 2012
~ Mirror, Mirror. On the wall ~
Okay, reality check.
Who are you, and what are you aiming for? First thing, first question to ask yourself.
Second, what steps do you have to take to reach your goal/s?
Thirdly, how many steps do you have to go?
~ reflect on an ever rest ~ |
Today, we bought a mirror for the living room. The most important thing in a room, in my opinion. Some piece of furniture that reflects everything else, and creates the room. It enlarges an area, and creates an elegant room. If there is not a mirror in a room, I would highly recommend you buy one. The only room that should not have mirror is the toilet. You don't stay there long enough to want the room to look bigger. Need one for my room desperately!!
I have a theory. Every snowflake is all coloured differently. For example, one snowflake could be purple, and the next orange, and the next blue . . You get the picture. But, as each time snow falls in groups, the snow is turned white as the eye does not know what colour the snow actually is. When snow falls to the ground, it joins other colourful snowflakes, so they become white. . . . There is a possibility, right?
Now is the end of the winter holiday, as it is saturday, and sunday, being a busy day, is not included. I probably won't beable to post tomorrow, and so have an awesomely fabulous week:))
February 24, 2012
~ The Rainbow Serpent ~
Far off in Dreamtime, there were only people, no animals or birds, no trees or bushes, no hills or mountains.
The country was flat. Goorialla, the great Rainbow Serpent, stirred and set off to look for his own tribe. He travelled across Australia from South to North. He reached Cape York where he stopped and made a big red mountain called Naralullgan. He listened to the wind and heard only voices speaking strange languages.
This is not my country, the people here speak a different tongue. I must look for my own people. Goorialla left Naralullgan and his huge body made a deep gorge where he came down. He travelled North for many days and his tracks made the creeks and rivers as he journeyed North. Goorialla made two more mountains, one of the Naradunga was long made of granite, the other had sharp peaks and five caves and was called, Minalinha. One day Goorialla heard singing and said, "Those are my people, they are holding a big Bora." At the meeting place of the two rivers, Goorialla found his own people singing and dancing. He watched for a long time, then he came out and was welcomed by his people. He showed the men how to dress properly and taught them to dance. A big storm was gathering, so all the people built humpies for shelter.
Two young men, the bil-bil or Rainbow Lorikeet brothers came looking for shelter but no one had any room. They asked their grandmother, the Star Woman but she had too many dogs and couldn't help them. the Bil-bil brothers went to Goorialla who was snoring in his humpy but he had no room. The rain got heavier and the boys went back to Goorialla and called out that the rain was heavy. Goorialla said, "All right come in now." The Bil-bil bothers ran into Goorialla's mouth and he swallowed them. Then he began to worry about what the people would say when they found the boys missing. He decided to travel North to Bora-bunaru, the only great natural mountain in the land. Next morning the people found that the boys were gone and saw the tracks of Goorialla and knew that he had swallowed them.
You may never see these lakes or mountains, but after the rain you will see his spirit in the sky , which is the rainbow. This is the reason why he is called Goorialla the Rainbow Serpent.
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~ thankyou aboriginals ~ |
This story was told to me, and many more, from generations, being passed from generations, of Aborigines. Enjoy ;)
~ Severely morish ~
Once upon a time, a princess made a batch of double chocolate chip, rose cakes. They were so extremely delicious that, when the princess finished creating them, and left them to cool, while she went to join her brother's game of conquers, all of the palace staff could not help, but try the cup cakes. The princess came back, and fainted. For all the cup cakes she had made were gone, except one. She gave that one to her brother, and she was left with nothing more. She decided to start another batch:))
~ princess's palace ~ |
Yesterday I borrowed this book about the titanic, about these people who predicted the titanic. It was actually a book about this mother who talked to the dead far a living. This is the reason that today i took it back to the library. The city of Ember was recommended to me by a friend, and I thought I'd seen it there, at that particular library, and when I went there I was correct. I started reading, and it sounds very interesting. Not sure what it is exactly about, but will tell you guys.
As you could probably guess from the story above, I did make cookies today, not cakes though. I got the math abit wrong, so I made a huge amount of dough. May take some to skool . .
Have an amazing weekend, and make the most of everyday :D
February 23, 2012
~ Light on me ~
If you are ever wondering what book to read, read something about war. It really opens your eyes up, and lets you view the world in a more critical way. I personally like reading mellow romance, history books, and sometimes war books. Historical books are also a great substitute to war books, and you learn something at the same time. If you are like me, and wish not to read fully historical fiction, start with 'The Pale Assassin'. It's where I learnt what it would be like to live in the time of the french revolution. Really intriguing:)
Today I met up with an awesome friend, we window shopping. Not exactly something you would hear a blonde, like me, saying that they do very often, but . . Oh, well. It was really fun, and I learnt that denim really actually looks nice on me, and that it really creates a really cute look to anyone. You obvoisly seek to find the correct way to suit denim and your perfect figure. A belt can also jazz up mostly any outfit, need to invest in one as soon as possible :P
Today I met up with an awesome friend, we window shopping. Not exactly something you would hear a blonde, like me, saying that they do very often, but . . Oh, well. It was really fun, and I learnt that denim really actually looks nice on me, and that it really creates a really cute look to anyone. You obvoisly seek to find the correct way to suit denim and your perfect figure. A belt can also jazz up mostly any outfit, need to invest in one as soon as possible :P
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~ denim bow ~ |
We will see what tomorrow brings, being the last official day of the winter holidays. I really do wish to go ice-skating, as soon as the weather allows it. Oh, and I would like to update my stationary collection. . . . ;)
February 22, 2012
~ White as Snow ~
Trip, after trip, after trip. Weleft this morning and we are already ready for lunch. Left from Lempaala to Hamenlinna for the wallpaper, which we didn't actually find, and on to Porvoo, and then, final destination, Helsinki. At least I have my music;) Wat I wouldn't do without my music, so soothing;9 hehe
As we strolled through the old streets of Porvoo, we noticed a pack of dogs that were playing together. The whitest one notices us and comes to say hi. I tell you, it made my awesome day awsesomer!
We got these lucky dips, one for me, my brother, my mother and grandmother. It's like Christmas in February. My gosh, went to the chocolate factory, filled with goodies;) I don't think I will have the capacity to eat another chocolate! At least not today ;) :) "D
So. . I did kinda give in. . . to the wallpaper . . . but at least I had a good cause . . . that the other one is no more, anymore, and there weren't any that I took a particular fancy to. All that I had a desire to do, after failing to choose a bed-side table, was to get the wallpaper up. I think it will give me a better idea of what the room, well side, will actually look like. I am getting excited though. Kinda like getting a new house:))))
We acquired these neat Harry Potter DVD's from amazon for quite a bargain some time back, and so we decided to watch them. We finished the first one last night, so many to goo. I wish that I could read them all again for the first time. So Good!
Can't wait to see what tomorrow will bring. Have got the plans ready, and now more or less what I will be up to, but, it's still exciting:D Have a fantabulous night!!
~ Is whiter than snow ~ |
As we strolled through the old streets of Porvoo, we noticed a pack of dogs that were playing together. The whitest one notices us and comes to say hi. I tell you, it made my awesome day awsesomer!
We got these lucky dips, one for me, my brother, my mother and grandmother. It's like Christmas in February. My gosh, went to the chocolate factory, filled with goodies;) I don't think I will have the capacity to eat another chocolate! At least not today ;) :) "D
So. . I did kinda give in. . . to the wallpaper . . . but at least I had a good cause . . . that the other one is no more, anymore, and there weren't any that I took a particular fancy to. All that I had a desire to do, after failing to choose a bed-side table, was to get the wallpaper up. I think it will give me a better idea of what the room, well side, will actually look like. I am getting excited though. Kinda like getting a new house:))))
~ Converse socks ~ |
We acquired these neat Harry Potter DVD's from amazon for quite a bargain some time back, and so we decided to watch them. We finished the first one last night, so many to goo. I wish that I could read them all again for the first time. So Good!
Can't wait to see what tomorrow will bring. Have got the plans ready, and now more or less what I will be up to, but, it's still exciting:D Have a fantabulous night!!
February 21, 2012
~ Laskiias day ~
Day two, and going strong. You see, you have to always stay true. To not give up . . . till you find the perfect wallpaper :)
I do also know that you have to be abe to give in sometime. Tomorrow the title of the blog may be "Give in, and stay strong". But . . . . . I don't know. I do really like the wallpaper I chose, so if the don't have it at the shop, I'l probably find a way to create it. . Smiley face:)
Laskiias Day, is sledging day. You are meant to have these Laskiainen buns, which are normal buns cut open with cream and jam inside, and pea soup. Then, as the name may suggest, you are meant to go tobogganing. . which we did not quite do. . .yet:)
Have you ever thought how hard it would be to carve something out of snow or ice? Well . . you're right. Kinda:) I mean, the most basic of basic is easy. I made one, one and a half really, and they were pretty awesome in my perspective. Won't try to make anything more complicated. . EVER.
~ Played till the sun set ~ |
Tomorrow? Porvoo, chocolate factory :Y
February 20, 2012
~ Walking on Water ~
And we are nearly . . . almost . . . . not quite there. . . Please magnetise me to the south pole. . . Made it.
In this place we have named the squirrels, and, ingeniously, they are named after two of the most famous, in our book, royalties around, other than Taylor Swift. Who? Princess Mary and Prince Frederick. I mean, c'mon. Mary is purely Australian, and Frederick had the gut to go to Australia . .
( back to the squirrels:)) We are now taking bets on how much food they can stuff into their tummys before they explode. They have already started having these hiccup fits:)
Since then we have been skating over the rough waters of Näsineulä. What an experience, but now I've done it. Not that I'd do it again. I felt like I was trying to do half skiing, half running. And then inbetween taking a few breaks . .
Well, let us see wat day two of the skiing holiday brings;)
~ Tahmelan ranta, path created from twigs ~ |
~ Headed towards Saunasaari, horrific winds ~ |
In this place we have named the squirrels, and, ingeniously, they are named after two of the most famous, in our book, royalties around, other than Taylor Swift. Who? Princess Mary and Prince Frederick. I mean, c'mon. Mary is purely Australian, and Frederick had the gut to go to Australia . .
( back to the squirrels:)) We are now taking bets on how much food they can stuff into their tummys before they explode. They have already started having these hiccup fits:)
~ Skating track ~ |
Since then we have been skating over the rough waters of Näsineulä. What an experience, but now I've done it. Not that I'd do it again. I felt like I was trying to do half skiing, half running. And then inbetween taking a few breaks . .
Well, let us see wat day two of the skiing holiday brings;)
February 12, 2012
~ Like this time ~
Hey, Hey. This time is like last time, except I know more than I did before:)
I know that the weather can become frightfully cold, and next minute, dead hot. I know that a certain Finnish food is actually from a certain country that is no-mans-land. I know that the colour fusia is no where near the colour red. I know that sometimes you have to pretend to listen and nod and agree when looked at. I know that people can be empowered, and grow as a whole. I know that sometimes, you have try to like this time.
As if you need telling, right? I totally agree, but what would life be if people didn't repeat absolutely unnecessary pieces of so called knowledge? And, what a place it would be. . there wouldn't be a word to say that no one else had heard before . . okay, abit exaggerated . . but . . you get the picture. Well, I'll try to outline it for you:
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C differently |
HaHa, sometimes the point is hard to get across. Maybe, this might clear things up a tad. If you see something in different lights, you get a different opinion. Example situation: Your friend is being really annoying, you would wish to not talk it over with her and see what is troubling her. She says nothing is wrong, so you decide to leave her as she is just becoming stupidly annoying. . . What if you find out her brother is really picking on her, and expects greater things from her than she is capable? He is being so formal to her, and she is, therefore, not knowing how to act around you. See, you would see the situation differently.
Just saying, that was a complete made up situation.
:P Have an awesome week
February 1, 2012
~ That pearl necklace ~
Heyy, I am freee! Just finished all my exams, and are psyched. Great way to begin February, you know how February is the most amazing month of the year. . hint, hint. Anywayz, January is my absolute favourite month of the year cause it's the beginning of a new chapter, year, and the fireworks displays are stunning. It's wierd how I have lived in Australia pretty much my whole life, and have never been to the Sydney fireworks. . Seen them on tv tho, and they are wicked! I wonder where all the money goes? I found out somewhere that one firework can cost quite a lot.
~ Ice on the window ~ |
Have you ever noticed how people always seem to comment on the something that you wear, or have one, when you take a risk? Sure, people comment about your diamond, star-shaped earrings, but what I am talking about is when you take that risk and wear that pearl necklace. Now, a pearl necklace is not something that people, at least i don't ever notice it, wear all the time, so therefore it is different to what you usually wear. And, when you take an unusual picture and post it on facebook, people comment. Cause it is different, you are taking a risk. You can basically apply this notion to anything, and see how the comments roll in:)
Today it was extreme. I could feel the coldness melting my very bones on end, now I can see what finns mean by "It isn't really that cold", when it's - 5-10 degrees. I got out of the tram, and literally promised to myself that if I could make it home, I would have a hot chocolate and raspberry slice. I pretty much forced myself to keep going, and, as I didn't have any money on my or travel card, I was soo tempted to get on the bus. I could have begged to be let on. . .
This month I challenge whoever actually reads this to put on that pearl necklace.
January 11, 2012
~ Life is like that ~
Sometimes when you want to feel excited, but you feel sad inside, you don't listen to the tiny voice telling you to chillax. It is hard, it does feel exactly like there is a devil and an angel on your shoulders.
Like when the bus driver completely ignores you, and drives straight past you like you are a road sign. Like when you have the most complicated math homework in the world you don't have the strength to even comprehend what the homework is. Like when you cannot understand how someone so awesome can feel that way in the dump. Like when you want to lie immobile in bed and do without theory of knowledge for just one more day. And to finish off with slush all way.
I mean, I react to things in the most positive way. Normally. Going back to the devil and angel thingy, there are actually three pixalots on my shoulders. One telling me to stay in the safety of my bed, another telling me to sleep for two more minutes, and one telling me to get up as to not tempt myself anymore than I had. If I had listened to the devil, I would have wasted away one of my so few codes that I barely even liked. But then again, got ridden of the slightest possibility that I could pass through to the next year. If I have listened to the 'goody, goody angel', I like to call her the 'goody, goody angel to make myself feel better, I would have made that bus and aced that math class and above all, my leggings would not have become unusually cold and spotty from the slush, as I was running to catch the next bus that I missed.
Nope, sometimes you listen to the one in between. The average angel.
Going on with my story, this is probably an average day for many teens, or is it just me, who have too few things to do in one day. I like to say that I do get all done, but I have to say that the three quarters that I do finally accomplish before midnight is not something that should be done.
For example, you cannot start taking theory of knowledge seriously and wondering why the sky is blue, and if the sun will rise tomorrow. .
Like when the bus driver completely ignores you, and drives straight past you like you are a road sign. Like when you have the most complicated math homework in the world you don't have the strength to even comprehend what the homework is. Like when you cannot understand how someone so awesome can feel that way in the dump. Like when you want to lie immobile in bed and do without theory of knowledge for just one more day. And to finish off with slush all way.
I mean, I react to things in the most positive way. Normally. Going back to the devil and angel thingy, there are actually three pixalots on my shoulders. One telling me to stay in the safety of my bed, another telling me to sleep for two more minutes, and one telling me to get up as to not tempt myself anymore than I had. If I had listened to the devil, I would have wasted away one of my so few codes that I barely even liked. But then again, got ridden of the slightest possibility that I could pass through to the next year. If I have listened to the 'goody, goody angel', I like to call her the 'goody, goody angel to make myself feel better, I would have made that bus and aced that math class and above all, my leggings would not have become unusually cold and spotty from the slush, as I was running to catch the next bus that I missed.
Nope, sometimes you listen to the one in between. The average angel.
Going on with my story, this is probably an average day for many teens, or is it just me, who have too few things to do in one day. I like to say that I do get all done, but I have to say that the three quarters that I do finally accomplish before midnight is not something that should be done.
For example, you cannot start taking theory of knowledge seriously and wondering why the sky is blue, and if the sun will rise tomorrow. .
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