It was so sunny that we completely forgot about time. Or maybe we didn't, we just chose to ignore it. We were perching on the ruins of Ravenscraig castle in Kirkcaldy, sunbathing in our t-shirts the precious little sun that we get in Scotland, while humming and singing songs from years gone by. We were completely in our own blissful world, where time stood still and singing was something that brought memories nothing else could. This is what best friends do.
Iulia came up to me during the week and told me that there was going to be one of the longest and oldest outside markets in Europe in Kirkcaldy on Saturday. Iulia asked if I wanted to go, and recited all the details she had written down about the train times, the map of how we would get there from the train and what time we would need there. So really, I had to say "yes". After Iulia went to so much detail to plan this trip, I mean. And not to forget that we, as best friends, should be taking more trips to spend time together other than classes and flat teas. We also were just finishing one of the last assignments that week, so we had time to take trips.
Okay, after that calculation, I decided that it would make sense to go. Not to forget that I would really like to go with my best friend. Gosh, uni is making me so logical ;)
Here we are (Iulia and I) taking the train over the bridge to Fife. |
Our adventure took us from the blue dot (QMU) through Edinburgh (to the left), along the bridge to Fife (the opposite land on the other side of the river) and curved along the coast to the red point: Kirkcaldy |