This morning we woke up early at six, when I was still asleep mentally. I took a while to physically become awake:) Mum and Dad usually wake up early, so they were fine. We had to quickly pack our bags and get ready for an hour flight to London. We then had to quickly get down stairs to get the shuttle to the airport. Our flight was going to leave at 8:40, so we wanted to be there at 7:00. Once there we checked-in, and had an early breakfast of a McMuffin at Mcdonalds. It was surprisingly delicious, but to fully wake up I needed to get my tea from Starbucks ;)
Once in the air I tried to sleep, but it was really difficult. My head just kept kind of lolling off to the side, and then I was not comfortable at all! I then attempted to read about George Washigton as a young man, but although it was interesting, I just couldn't concentrate. So, I had a hot chocolate and listened to my British neighbours... As you do:)
After we touched down in Luton Airport, London, we bought tickets into London (which would take 1 1/2 hours). We also picked up tickets we had previously bought online from London to Cardiff. It was very easy, and the lady was very helpful. We then got outside wheeling our five pieces of luggage, and lined up for the bus. Unfortunately, the bus that was leaving in five minutes was full, so we had to wait forty mintues for the next bus. Even then, when we did get on the bus it was really hot, and the bus driver couldn't hear our voices asking to put the air-conditioner on. So that wasn't a very enjoyable ride:) Finally, ten minutes before our bus stop, the bus driver turned the air-con on. Huh...
For our next adventure in London, we had two hours to get to and from the tourist information near Trafalger square to buy our 8-day train pass for Wales, Scotland and England. It was because of this time limit that we then rushed down the streets of London, through the masses of crowds watching the changing of guard at Buckingham Palace, and around Trafalger Square to the ticket booth. It was very enjoyable, because we got to see all the main attractions in London all in forty minutes, and we got to see some sights that we hadn't seen the first time we had been to London three years ago.
On the way back from the ticket booth we could slow down a bit more, because there weren't large crowds blocking our way around Buckingham Palace, and we realised we still had some time:) We then arrived back at the Coach (bus) station, and sat down outside the right gate for the coach to Cardiff. We knew that the coach would take approximately three and a half hours, so we got some pie-like pastries and muffins to quickly eat before the coach came.
Then the coach came, and it was really nice. Unlike the previous coach, there was nice air-conditioning, if not a bit too cold:) The seats were nice and comfortable, which was pure pleasure after such a long walk through London:) When we started going I just watched the scenery, because it was all really beautiful.
I fell asleep I think, but then woke up to my head lolling on an angle. My neck is sore still, but it was worth it to sleep :D I then wrote a blog post, and watched the scenery.
Crossing over to Wales we saw some lovely buildings, and although it was rainy throughout the coach trip, it died down for a while to show us a lovely rainbow.
We then arrived in Cardiff Central, and walked to our hotel near Cardiff Bay. It was a long walk, so we are thinking that we might take a taxi back to the central, where the railway station is, when we leave. For dinner we got Thai-Indian food sent up to our room, which was great! I really enjoyed that:)
Now you are uptodate,
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