Right in the center of Glasgow we saw a high wall running round in a large rectangular area. It is the size of a football field, and we saw that at the top there are flags flying, and nearer to the west a large ornately decorated turret. This was a building created almost 2'000 years ago when the Romans ruled Cardiff.
Cardiff Castle is an unusual castle. It is based in a wall to the east, and high wall fortresses surround the grounds including a Keep. When we bought the tickets to Cardiff Catsle after Dad finished his conference early, we entered into the wall :) it was used to protect the castle, and was used during the war for a bomb shelter.
We then visited the Keep, which I guess was used as a watch tower. The stairs to it are extremely steep, and the keep goes very high. From the top you can see an amazing view of the castle and around. There was a moat running around the keep, adding a medieval feel to the building.
After the near-death experience of walking back down the steep stairs, we headed over to the castle itself. On entering the castle you could notice the sheer eloquenticity of the place, with high ceilings drapped with red, stain glass windows painted ornately, and the feel of oldness drawing you in.
There aren't really words to describe the way the castle is decorated, as it is so different to anything I have ever seen. To say the least, it was completely over the top, and every square centimeter of the place has some kind of design. We were't aloud into a few rooms, but from the ones we did see I would say that it is definetely worth our money! It seemes to me as if an exotic prince had decorated the rooms with animal designs in every room, and the richness of colour on every surface.
The Cardiff Castle was the main event for the day, and we all thought of it as the best thung we did in Cardiff!!
Now you are uptodate,
Here is a guest blogger (my Dad) describing the day:
This was my final day at the organisational discourse confence. I had presented my paper in the first session on the first day, so by now I was feeling very relaxed. After lunch at the conference, I met up with the family at the Cardiff Museum and we strolled through ancient, echoing, high-ceilinged halls displaying Impressionist paintings - including breathtaking paintings by Monet of pinks and lavender amongst the lillies. This was followed by a tour through Cardiff Castle where I had enjoyed dinner last night with my conference colleagues. Surrounded by so much stone, wood and iron, the experience transported me back in time. Our day was finished off on the bay where we sat and ate hot fish and chips under the watchful gaze of a large, stalking seagull. It was a very wam afternoon and evening, which we appreciated, knowing we would be heading north tomorrow to Scotland. One week into our 3 week holiday abroad and we are feeling very blessed. :-?
Here are some photos that I took:
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